Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Hampshire Farmers Markets

Make New Hampshire Farmers Markets part of your weekly shopping routine! Farmers markets are a great way to purchase seasonal, fresh, and affordable food items as well as support your local community. Starting in June, many farmers markets will be in full swing.  Here are some tips for shopping at a farmers market:

1. Purchase fresh produce for snacks or meals.

2. Visit all the stands. Many farmers will be selling the same produce, find the best quality and price by visiting each of them.

3. Talk to the farmer. They might have ideas on food preparation/ storage.

4. Bring your children. Introduce your children to healthy food choices.

5. Beware of the sweets. Farmers markets often are filled with baked goods including homemade cookies and donuts… but that doesn’t make them healthy choices!

Plus, as an added bonus many farmers markets participate in Double the Value of SNAP/EBT fruit and vegetable purchases. This means $5.00 SNAP/EBT will purchase $10.00!

For more information on Manchester Farmer’s Markets visit: